On 27 Feb 2024 UKATA’s Events & Marketing Manager, Victoria Castelluccio delivered a presentation to Year 11 students at Netherthorpe School, to provide an insight into apprenticeships.
Beginning her career as an apprentice, Victoria was the perfect fit to represent UKATA at this event. As an apprentice ambassador and mentor, Victoria can relate to those considering this option and provide them with fact-based information and examples of success from her own personal experience.
Mr Green, Deputy Head of Personal Development at Netherthorpe School, Staveley, Chesterfield invited UKATA to attend an assembly of Y11 pupils, in advance of National Careers Week 2024. The school combines modern facilities with listed buildings, offering a unique learning environment for students to flourish.

National Careers Week (NCW) is a one-week celebration of careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK. The aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways.
Victoria provided information to the students on the history and use of asbestos, along with the risks associated. She gave an insight into the path of an apprentice, including an idea of an average working day, earning potential, career stereotypes and misconceptions, skills and qualities required, opportunities to work towards relevant qualifications and inform the students on skills gaps within the industry. She also took the opportunity to promote a current vacancy for an apprenticeship within the Marketing Department.
Reflecting on the event, Victoria said “I was very happy to be invited to speak with students at Netherthorpe School. Extremely impressed by the proactive student approach and warm and welcoming environment. The students were extremely polite and well mannered throughout my presentation and when speaking with them about apprenticeships individually. I am truly grateful for this opportunity. I look forward to working with Netherthorpe School pupils in the future.”
UKATA, a leading association, is dedicated to enhancing the quality and standards of asbestos training with the aim to shield workers and the public from the hazards of asbestos exposure.
The association collaborates closely with its members to guarantee that they have access to the latest information, training resources, and industry updates. They provide a suite of support services to assist them in accomplishing their training objectives. Their membership encompasses a diverse array of organisations involved in asbestos training, including training providers, asbestos removal contractors, consultants, and equipment suppliers.
UKATA is fervent about promoting safe and responsible working practices, committed to working with members and partners to realise a shared vision of protecting workers and the public from the hazards linked with asbestos exposure.
If you wish to discuss our current apprenticeship vacancy or a similar presentation in your organisation, please contact Victoria Castelluccio.
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Published on Tuesday 27th February 2024