UKATA Awards 2018 - 15

UKATA Celebrates 15 Years

UKATA 15 Year Anniversary Logo - Burgundy.png

In January 2023, UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA), celebrates its 15th anniversary as a leading authority on asbestos training.

From humble beginnings in 2008 with just two employees working in a small workshop unit in Markham Vale, Derbyshire, UKATA has expanded into a purpose fit modern office space in 2023 with a ten strong workforce.

The multi-award-winning association has developed, advanced and improved the quality of asbestos training delivered throughout its history, growing from 41 members nationwide, to almost 200 globally.

Chief Operating Officer, Craig Evans, sums up the journey of UKATA:

“It has been an incredible journey so far and we couldn't have done it without the support of our members, the volunteer board of directors and all the friends and supporters we have met over the years.

We will be celebrating our anniversary with a special event this summer, watch this space. Here's to another 15 years!”

UKATA’s success comes from its core mission and values. Its mission is to remain at the forefront of asbestos training and awareness. Committed to both maintaining and improving higher standards of asbestos training through ongoing quality assessment of UKATA-approved training providers.

Inclusivity is at the core of the association, through this UKATA ensure that they positively influence standards and related asbestos legislation.

The workforce is central to their mission. UKATA actively invest in staff training and development to enable them to advise and assist members and expand their skillset.

UKATA is committed to its members, working collaboratively, acting with integrity, and never standing still, to continue to successfully gatekeep industry standards and maintain the UKATA standard of excellence.

Established in 2008, UKATA is a highly respected, leading authority on asbestos training. Its passion is to both maintain and improve asbestos training, ensuring the highest standards are upheld by means of continually monitoring UKATA training provided by our members.

UKATA continuously works within current legislation as a minimum, whilst collaborating with industry partners to ensure that the UK has the highest standards of asbestos safety.

UKATA freely shares knowledge and information both online and across social media, demonstrating that education remains their top priority.

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Published on Monday 2nd January 2023