The HSE issued a bulletin on 14th July alerting those running, governing or working in the school education sector to the programme of inspections that the HSE will be carrying out in primary and secondary schools from September 2022 onwards. The inspections will assess how well schools are managing the risks from asbestos in the school estate and meeting the "duty to manage" requirements under Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos regulations 2012.
The HSE inspectors will contact schools to arrange suitable dates and times for inspections and will need to speak to someone "with knowledge of how asbestos is managed by the school". They may also ask to see certain documentation in advance of the visit e.g. your Asbestos Register and up to date Asbestos Management Plan.
The HSE has advised schools "to review their current arrangements and check that they are meeting their duties under CAR 2012".
As a social enterprise UKNAR have been working closely with local authorities, dioceses and schools over the last two years helping them to understand their legal asbestos obligations and the steps they can take to improve asbestos management across their estates. They have hosted a number of live presentations covering various asbestos management topics.
UKNAR would now like to give you the opportunity to attend their webinar Asbestos Management Plans – Actively Managing Asbestos Risks in Multi-Academy Trusts, Schools and Colleges.
The objective of the management plan is to reduce the risk of exposure and the consequential potential ill-health. If it can be demonstrated that exposure is under control, the management plan will be doing its intended job.
Their webinar provides guidance for schools and colleges on their legal obligation to create and maintain an effective Asbestos Management Plan. This includes why a plan is needed, where to start, who the duty holder is, what the plan should contain, how it should be communicated, training requirements and monitoring responsibilities.
Join them to hear Andrew Paten and Andy Brown, Co-Founders of UKNAR CIC talk in detail about Asbestos Management Plans and what your school or college needs to do to be compliant with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.
Published on Tuesday 20th September 2022
Date: Between Thursday 22nd September 2022 and Thursday 22nd September 2022
Time: 10:00am until 10:45am
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