Video Conference

UKNAR Webinar - Simplify Your Asbestos Management by Taking a Digital Asbestos SMART Approach


If you are a property, health & safety, or asbestos professional, with responsibility for buildings containing asbestos, you will know many of the pitfalls and challenges of managing asbestos safely. You will also be aware of all the documentation and key information that is required to be compliant with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

What’s more, you will understand that when asbestos management goes wrong it can cost a lot of wasted time and money as well as endangering lives. Asbestos remains the UK’s biggest workplace life risk. It costs the UK economy billions of pounds per year in wasted time, delayed projects, cost overruns, clean ups, compensation claims and healthcare costs.

UKNAR CIC believe that the adoption of digital asbestos registers, combined with QR technology, can simplify, and improve existing asbestos management processes. Digital asbestos registers can be simply communicated, presented in easy-to-understand standard formats and instantly updated.

Join their webinar to hear Andrew Paten speak about how taking a digital Asbestos SMART approach can help property professionals and health & safety experts fulfil their legal responsibilities more easily – and save time, money, and lives.

This digital approach can be achieved inexpensively without changing existing contractors or IT systems, and it can even simplify the process if you are in the course of procuring or changing either of these two elements.

UKNAR CIC is a not-for-profit community interest company dedicated to simplifying asbestos management and improving safety for all. They believe that a digital Asbestos SMART approach could be the basis for building a national database for everyone's benefit.

Register your free place.

Published on Wednesday 7th June 2023

Date: Thursday 22nd June 2023

Time: 10:00am until 11:00am

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Posted in Events